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Project Library

Project: Year 3: Burning Knight

Burning Knight was a year long project that I made during my final year of university. It is a 3rd person combat system, where you use both sword attacks and fiery spells to defeat the undead enemies that threaten your city. 

Inspired by games such as Sony's Spiderman and Activision's The Legend of Korra, as well as game ideas I had during my teenage years.


Project: Year 3: Illuminate

A PS1 styled platformer, where the player must traverse through the night, using of their flames to light the path. Avoid the consuming darkness, and follow the signs to light the beacon upon the now shadowed town.

My design brief for this project was to create a PS1 era style game.

Illuminate Poster.png

Collab Group: Year 3: Cat Wizard vs The Dwarves

Created for a collaboration module in my final year, Cat Wizard vs the Dwarves is a first person fantasy dungeon shooter. Delve into the dwarven dungeons as a lone cat wizard, you must explore, traverse, collect, loot, enchant, fight and overcome! Wield the elements! Infuse your weapons with their power! Slay the dwarven king!


Level Design: Year 2: Top Down Shooter

*To be added*


Project: Year 2: Split Screen Multiplayer: "Sheep Hunt"

*To be added*


Level Design: Year 1: Puzzle Platformer

*To be added*


Project: Year 3: Vesper the Alchemist

Vulpes the Alchemist was designed to be a small and contained project which would explore areas of Unreal Engine that I had not spent much time (if any) exploring. This included inventory systems, item crafting, save datas, audio design, having a day/night cycle and the general creation of a 2D/ pixel art game.

vulpes background.png

Project: Year 3: Piglin Dungeoneer

A minecraft style action platformer where you play as a Piglin warrior, striving to conquer the dungeons of the overworld and obtain the treasures within. Utilize items and abilities akin to those within the classic minecraft game, such as fighting mobs with a diamond sword, being able to place and break blocks, and being able to eat food to regain lost health. 

Piglin Dungeoneer screen.png

Collab Group: Year 2: Lunar Blade

*To be added*

MicrosoftTeams-image (1).png

Level Design: Year 2: Castlevania 

*To be added*


Project: Year 2: Multi-possession Puzzle game: "Six Escape"

*To be added*


Level Design: Year 1: Platformer

*To be added*

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